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we are makeshapes

Shaping the future, one group experience at a time

Makeshapes creates a space for connection and shared learning.

The most powerful learning takes place in groups

Delivering to groups is not easy and it comes with a high cost. This means organisations trade effectiveness or engagement when trying to scale, making valuable learning available only to a few.

We’re on a mission to positively shape people and organisations through impactful group experiences

With our platform, we hope to create a space where your people can share and engage with each others’ experiences, meaningfully discuss new ideas together, and explore how to apply what they have learned to their lives.

Make space with others and learning will happen

Our approach focuses on learning in small groups that create space for social learning. We use a combination of thoughtful experience design and modern, interactive technology. Groups from any location can participate without needing an expert or trained facilitator.

Deliver consistent
and effective content

Drive active learning
and engagement

Spark rich discussion
and reflection

“The power of virtual learning is not just about scale but also the ability to move people to adopt new habits, more effectively, and faster.”
Read whitepaper

Everyone has something to learn and something to teach

We are driven to create spaces that enable individuals and teams to learn and grow. When people meet in real time, it enables a deeper sense of connection—and making space to talk openly and honestly with our peers has never been more important.

work at makeshapes

Shape spaces around the world

Join us on our mission to reimagine group learning. Makeshapes is committed to supporting people to grow with each other and their organisations.

Come join us